Saturday 23 November 2013

My first "Gawai celebration' 2012 , Kampung Sebedil Igan, Sibu ~ Stephanie

'Kampung Sebedil, Sibu' . I've learned a lot of  "Dayak" culture. Im going to shared some of the picture here.

Stephanie & me (in red)
Stephanie's Eni'(granma) & Aki'(granpa) . *alamak ,looked soo romantic pulak. 

Alright. this is 'sampan' / 'perahu'. 

ngajat is a traditional dance for sarawakian. 

wow! orite,the beautiful woman in this picture is Stephanie's mom. 

Stephanie's elder sister and in the second picture is her sister husband. 

ok,this is their instrument . 

yes! i had a chance to play wit this instrument .

Alright, last but not least.. This my fav. collection.

Oh, not forget to the guy who's own this camera. Thanks!

i believe in my hardest part in my life is the moment everything is almost done.